About Shurchi
Shurchi district was founded in 1935.
The administrative center is the city of Shurchi.
Area - 0.72 square meters. km, of which:
Agricultural land - 59681 hectares, including irrigated arable land - 15209 hectares, dry land - 122 hectares, perennial forests - 1449 hectares, average land quality - 65.0 points, pastures - 42901 hectares., Residential and household plots - 4685 hectares, forests and forests - 917 hectares, social facilities, streets, areas - 1055 hectares, roads 552 hectares, rivers and canals, collector and drainage canals - 3109 hectares, other lands (hills and bowels, industrial zone , power lines) - 16203 ha.
The population is 208.4 thousand people.
National structure: Uzbeks - 96.9% (197.2 thousand people), Tajiks - 1.8% (3.7 thousand people), Turkmens - 0.6% (1.2 thousand people), Russians - 0 2% (0.4 thousand people), Tatars - 0.1% (0.3 thousand people) and others - 0.4% (0.6 thousand people).
It borders with the Denov district in the north, the Uzun district in the east, the Kumkurgan region in the south and the Altynsay region in the west.
Per capita indicators: industrial production 1947.2 thousand soums (3 place in the region), consumer goods 1146.6 thousand soums (3), agricultural production 5463, 8 thousand soums (13), total services 1355, 4 thousand soums (10).
Shurchinsky district specializes in the cultivation and processing of agricultural products.
Grain: The state order was executed for 20,450 tons, which is 101% of the plan (20,656 tons).
Cocoon: The state order was executed at 154.1 tons, at 105.5% (162.5 tons) compared with the plan.
Cotton: the production plan was completed for 21,100 tons, which is 102.4% (21,607 tons) of the plan.
With regard to regional exports, in January-December 2019, products worth $ 11,737.2 thousand were exported. (Forecast - 9605.2 thousand dollars (execution - 122.2%).